08-06-2008, 06:17 AM
Now I enjoy riding my bike for exercise. Buuut I have the foresight not to do it on a busy street with traffic and intersections. I'll do it on a back road or at the park or a similar place so as not to put myself in danger. I'm not saying that he deserved to be hit by a car by any means but I am saying that the situation could have been avoided if he took similar precautions. Crucify me if you wish, but I think that roads would be easier and safer for everyone if they were "separate but equal" rather than "integrated" if you will.
edit: I think ProvidenceCrow can back me up when I say that riding your bike on Ocean Ave in the middle of summer in Seaside Heights is not the best of ideas.
edit: I think ProvidenceCrow can back me up when I say that riding your bike on Ocean Ave in the middle of summer in Seaside Heights is not the best of ideas.
That's what she said.