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Zeeland, Hudsonville
potthole Wrote:I thought Ottawa County only bans liquor sales on Sunday, beer, so long as there are no city laws against it, is ok after 12 noon. Or, is that Kent County? I always get confused.
As of right now Ottawa county has the most ass backward booze policy in all the land. It would be easier to get a cold one at the Vatican on a Sunday than it would in Ottawa County. Anyway here is what I know. On Sundays you may not purchase any kind of consumable alcohol (including cooking wine) in a retail outlet in Ottawa county or the City of Holland which some of is in Allegan county. Party stores, grocery stores, etc. can not sell you a six pack, a bottle of wine, or any spirits. However, you can go to your neighborhood restaurant on Sunday and order a rum and Coke, but not beer or wine.
Now Zeeland and Hudsonville are in class all their own. Until recently you couldn't buy any booze in the City of Zeeland or Zeeland Township. Now their is one restuarant that I know of that serves by the glass in the City. The Township is still dry. I think Hudsonville has just approved sales on Monday - Saturday. I live in Holland and it sucks having to drive to Saugatuck to buy beer on Sunday, which I did last week.

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