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133t cyclist douchebags on the highway
Allyson Wrote:Now I enjoy riding my bike for exercise. Buuut I have the foresight not to do it on a busy street with traffic and intersections. I'll do it on a back road or at the park or a similar place so as not to put myself in danger. I'm not saying that he deserved to be hit by a car by any means but I am saying that the situation could have been avoided if he took similar precautions. Crucify me if you wish, but I think that roads would be easier and safer for everyone if they were "separate but equal" rather than "integrated" if you will.

edit: I think ProvidenceCrow can back me up when I say that riding your bike on Ocean Ave in the middle of summer in Seaside Heights is not the best of ideas.
Allyson, I certainly wasn't trying to crucify anyone with my previous post and am glad that you also are a bike rider. I also agree that people that do ride their bikes in high traffic areas should do so at their own risk. In the GR area anyone stupid enough to ride down 28th street on a bike is just asking to be run over. That being said I still think anyone who drives anything the size of a Yugo or bigger (myself included) needs to be on the lookout for smaller forms of transportation be it a scooter, bike, or motorcycle as they are getting more and more common as people try to save money on gas.

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