08-07-2008, 09:08 AM
Allyson Wrote:While on the topic, does anyone know how the Free Beer and Hot Wings name came about?
It goes back to when Chris and Gregg were in college, sometimes Gregg would get nightmares, and Chris would get in bed and snuggle with him.
"Think about the best thing you can think of" Chris would say.
"Free Beer" would be Gregg's respnse, and then he would giggle, and they would eventually fall asleep with Chris as the big spoon.
Eventually Free Beer bacame Chris's pet name, for Gregg. And soon all of their friends we're calling him that as well.
That same year on Christmas break, Free Beer and Chris were drinking eggnog and enjoying tasty holiday omlettes, when Chris's Dad said, "Jeez you two are together so much we should start calling you Hot Wings Chris" And from that point the name just stuck.
Wowie Groovie !