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Show Pet Peeves.
I don't like it when Free Beer plays the "pussy politically correct guy" when they start talking about things involving race.

This might ruffle a few feathers but it seems to me Free Beer always seems to take the "PC" way in any argument when race is involved. An example, when the Dog Chapman thing came out, FB ripped him a new one (deservedly so). And other examples of people saying racist/bigoted things against minorities, he really lets them have it.

But it seems, to me at least, that when it's reversed, like the recent Obama/Rev. Wright crap, or the Rev that ripped Hiliary, etc., FB will take a much more "well....I don't think that was bad" type attitude; Zane and HW though will rip them as much as any other racist incident and will talk about the huge double standard in the media when it comes to stuff like this.

I don't know, that's not a perfect example because the Dog thing was clear cut racism, and some of the other "side" stuff I mentioned wasn't so much, but I guess it's just a vibe I get from FB. He seems almost hesitent to say too much and like he wants to walk a fine line. When it comes to conversations like this they have, I like Zane and HW a lot more because they are much more open and talkative. I mean I guess FB could really feel the way he does, but I just don't get that vibe because in his voice he almost seems to shrink back a bit.

Just an observation I had. I'm not trying to open a big debate about these topics.

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