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Show Pet Peeves.
I hate to even post because I only get to listen for 30-40 minutes a day . . . but I can't resist . . . .

1. Some days it seems like HW barely contributes to the conversation of the show. Again, maybe not fair b/c I only get to listen from 7:50-8:30 Central Time. But, for his name to be part of the show it sure seems like Zane talks a heck of a lot more . . . .

2. Zane bringing up his Armenian heritage - this used to drive me crazy (it gave me Bob & Tom nightmares b/c one of them is Armenian and brings it up A LOT!!!) Nothing against his heritage - it was just the fact that it was EXACTLY like something B&T did ALL THE TIME, almost like it was a bit they would do.

3. HW tripping over words in What Hot Wings Thinks. Sorry, HW - not tryin' to pick on you!

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