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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
kaboobie92 Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Here's the quote, in case you want to refute it:

Please attempt to defend this irresponsible statement.

even though I disagree with most things people say in this thread, i agree that this is ridiculous. How could u say something so degrading to the troops that are protecting your freedom? And even though i'm only 18 and have limited experience (as fistor has pointed out lol) how are you "tired" of dealing with pro Bush people? And it's people with an attitude like that, that are causing a split in politics. "Die with the rest of those buttholes". Hmmm, you obviously really appreciate the different views possessed in this country that makes it what it is. America would not be "America" if people didnt have different opinions and beliefs. It is what makes a democracy work.

I am the originator of the whole thread and I am impressed. Those of you who hate war have every right to hate it. I hate it. But I want to WIN the war! I am 18, first time voting, and am going to enlist when I graduate. I am voting for McCain because he is going to do what he has to do to win the war. Barack Obama is going to pull out too early and cause a disaster. His celebrity status is a enigma to me. He never answers any of the questions he is asked during a debate and he does not say what he is going to do. Except for the word change. Just listening to him talk makes me wonder. He just walks around the outside of the question without really answering it. To simply put it, he won't answer questions. I can't understand him. McCain is like my old wise grandfather. That's why I am voting for him; because of his fatherly nature and his experience in knowing what works...and I can understand what he's saying. I can't wait for the debates which is something I have never done.

But the most important thing that gives McCain my vote is that he would put his country first before himself. Barack Obama, probably not since he has to defend himself from all of the questions he doesn't aswer. And he will say whatever he has to say to get elected. He puts himself before the good of his country. John McCain wrote a book about putting his country before himself called "Faith of my Fathers" which is a great story. A man who went through what he went through and then come home and become one of the best known Senators deserves to be President at this point in time. Not some guy who has so many questions about his beliefs, experience, and patriotism. How can you fall head over heals in love with Barack Obama with all of those questions? (Bringing up Bush here as an arguement is not legit here, talk about Barack and not George).

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