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Bob & Tom really do suck
jus' P Wrote:
brytn Wrote:Yeah. When I first started listening they did not have as many comedians come in and it was kind of a cool show. But, then they started all of their Bob & Tom comedy tours and I suppose making a ton of money. Then their whole show turned into non-stop comedians and laughter. Also, 15-20 minutes of commercials per hour. I want FB&HW to get more popular but, I never want to hear Zane pimping PajamaGram.

I hear ya, PLEASE stay away from the live commercials!(109BUZZ). They are the worst,especially when they mess them up and have to laugh and do it over.

This is Freebeer and my sleep number is 89, I am Hotwings and i am a 45, Zane here and I am a 69 har har har...

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