08-11-2008, 10:02 AM
Admin Wrote:Free Beer, Zane, HW, and listeners,
I'm more irritated than Andy Dick's bunghole after a night of jalopenos and love making. I recently read that some people refused to watch the Olympics because of China's human rights record.
Dear Uninformed and short sighted Douchebag,
As you sit there surrounded by Chinese made products, you've already cast your approval to the Chinese government. If you purchased any Coca-Cola product or ate at a McDonalds in the last 7 years then you've already pumped your money into companies that have pumped their money into the Chinese government so that they can advertise and have businesses there.
Not watching the Olympics because of China's human rights records makes about as much sense as not eating at Taco Bell as a protest toward the Mexican police's corruption problems.
A decision such as this is one, and the public proclamation of same, is one of the self-righteous and self important; whose intellectual depth is only envied by the likes of Jessica Simpson.
Even if you were a Nielsen family, that would only be a small stab at NBC.
So unless you have a home free of Chinese made products, your oh so "look how enlightened I am" ridiculous decision to forgo viewing the Olympics allows the Chinese government to thank YOU for your support.
Like Jessica Simpson said: Quote "I'm not eating eggrolls anymore until Chinese people can vote" End Quote.
I'm Biff and that's what I think.
That is pretty awesome Biff . . . I sure hope Hot Wings sees it. 8-)
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!