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Bob & Tom really do suck
Moobs Minger Wrote:I admit, I was a big fan of the show back when I was in middle school and high school (about 1998-2003). I always thought the laughter was over-the-top, but looking back, it still seems like some of their material such as the Mr. Obvious Show and Dickens Cider was funny. I don't know if I was stupider then - or if they were okay but have just gotten worse. I tune in once in a while to see what they're like, and the show is awful now.

Can anyone else give me insight as to whether the show used to be good?

I remember hearing The Mr. Obvious Show and thinking it was funny, but now I look back at it and it was stupid. I'm not sure if the audience was supposed to know the calls were fake or what.

P.S. A list of bad laughs from "The Garbage Disposal"
-"Hi I'm Mr. Obvious!" *Laugh
-"Hello Mr. Obvious, I have a problem." *Laugh
-"It sounds like there's an animal under my sink... It goes ARAHRHARHARHAHRHA!!!" *Everyone but Mr. Obvious (who starts talking after 5 seconds of the sound) laughs for THIRTY SECONDS STRAIGHT.
-The caller imatates the sound again. *Laughs for ten seconds after Mr. Obvious starts talking again.
-The above happens again.

Wow, after writing all that I realized the really DO suck.

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