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Uncle Pullfinger Returns!!!
That jerk.
This is my reply to his bulk email he sent to everyone:

Stop making fun of the best morning radio show EVER. The reason they haven't responded is because they want to leave the situation alone. They don't want to talk about it anymore, they've moved on. Free Beer and Hot Wings are better than any morning radio station in the midwest, and are syndicated on 18 different stations, not 16. The reason they call themselves Free Beer and Hot Wings is because they went to the same college and started a college radio station. They picked nicknames that college kids would relate to, thus Free Beer and Hot Wings. What college kid doesn't like free beer and hot wings? So the name stuck. They have talked about changing their names, but it's too late, they're more popular then ever now.

So if you would kindly stop and leave the situation alone, I don't want to get any more emails. If they are so awful, why are they on 18 stations in several states and continuing to grow? It does piss me a off a little bit because I am a loyal listener to their show, and I am sure you are going to get tons of hate mail now. Their message board alone that was only created a month or two ago has almost 2000 members and is continuing to grow and they have millions of listeners. I doubt you will ever get such a fanbase. Leave Free Beer and Hot Wings ALONE and find something else to spend your time doing, like creating better songs.

What an idiot!!!

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