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Uncle Pullfinger Returns!!!
latest douchebag email:

Me he he he he!!!

Now what's the point in a little lovable prank like sending Someone's Pissed At Me to someone's e-mail if you don't get a report on
the success of the hit. So here we go:

141 spams so for.

0 opened.

141 spams successfully flagged as spam!

For those of you that don't know how to use the Report Spam icon, I'll keep you posted of the "Pullfinger Spam Report-port-port-ports!"

Maybie the Stale Beer and Ecolli Wings Show might want to do a daily segment on it. They suck so bad they might fall..... .....ugh, i mean go for it!

lol to all my new e-mail pen pales, courtesy of the Shunky Beer and Gay Wings Show. Thanks guys!

Now, pull my finger!

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