08-13-2008, 04:56 PM
xxxredeye Wrote:I hate the dicks that drive super effing slow... like going 15 in a 25, just because they saw a cop or are too gee dee stupid to put their cell phone down and drive their effing car!
Sort of opposite of that, are people who drive way too fast in certain places. Like the neighborhood I grew up in. Little kids ALL OVER the place, running around, darting out from behind stuff into the street, kicking/hitting balls into the road, etc.
When I drive through there, I'm right at the posted 25 mph speed limit- I'll be damned if I nail a kid with my car. Then some dolt will fly past at probably 45. I would always feel awful for thinking it, but there were times I almost hoped somebody would hit a kid, just to raise some awareness about how stupidly people would drive through that place.