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Things You Hate / Annoyances
Jo Wrote:people who don't understand the "10 items or less" rule at stores.

i was at Meijer's one time and they have those self-checkout lanes where you scan your own stuff. well, this lady has a cart full of groceries and is scanning away. so i tell her "lady, you got too much stuff." and she dismisses me. she finishes up and it won't take her money and starts complaining until a greeter tells her she has too much stuff and all of her stuff has to be re-scanned in a regular lane.

I'm with you on that one. I don't have a problem if someone's got maybe 11 or 12 items in a 10 items or less lane but anything over that it really pushing it.

Also, I can't stand it in general if you're at a U-Scan and not using either cash or you're really quick with a card. Most people that use a card or a check of all things at a U-Scan just waste time. They seem to get confused and end up taking longer there than if they had just used a normal lane.

U-Scan implies speed so if you plan to dick around in anyway whatsoever don't use it.
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