08-14-2008, 04:18 PM
jus' P Wrote:potthole Wrote:Sort of opposite of that, are people who drive way too fast in certain places. Like the neighborhood I grew up in. Little kids ALL OVER the place, running around, darting out from behind stuff into the street, kicking/hitting balls into the road, etc.
When I drive through there, I'm right at the posted 25 mph speed limit- I'll be damned if I nail a kid with my car. Then some dolt will fly past at probably 45. I would always feel awful for thinking it, but there were times I almost hoped somebody would hit a kid, just to raise some awareness about how stupidly people would drive through that place.
I smell hypocrisy.... disturbing on only one level.
I've been busted. There's nothing I can say, you caught me. My car comment is right along your Olympic comment.