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Another reason I don
kaboobie92 Wrote:so I don't get it.. you non-believers think you just cease to exist when you die? I know you probabally won't believe me, but I have felt GOD many times. This was especially true when my Grandpa died this past summer, everyone could feel the presence in the room. All the candles went out and the lights flickered just after the prayer. Pretty crazy. I just don't get how someone can look at this world and all the beauty in it and think that there is no creator behind it.

Probably because there is 0 evidence that a god exists. The above diagram is a perfect illustration of how faith works. You are raised to believe in an all-powerful creator, therefore, anything that can't easily be explained is simply god's doing. The fact that people still adhere to a 2000 year old book, boggles my mind.

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