08-15-2008, 08:44 AM
Quote:I don't care what you think. This isn't art. Jackson Pollock is not an artist. I can do this. A 10 year old can do this.
Do you know what Pollock's inspiration was for that painting? What type of feelings he was trying to evoke? Art isn't just about what it looks like.
A ten year old can scribble, but every one of those lines was put there for a reason (even if it was on an unconscious level, as a lot of Pollock's pieces were), that's what makes it art.
He didn't just sit down and scribble, like a 10-year-old would. He had a vision, a feeling, that he wanted to put onto canvas.
And while I know this painting is called "Number 18", I couldn't begin to tell you what his motivation for it was.