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Another reason I don
8ballquarterpocket Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:According to the documentary "Galapagos" Darwin as a young scientist and ship statistician, was very much steeped in Christian tradition and creationism. However when his ship arrived in the Galapagos Islands and he began cataloging and studying the wild life there. He began to notice immediately that there were huge gapping holes in creationist dogma.

Similar animals would adapt physically too different islands, as each island is far apart enough, and literally have different climates. Similarly each island has different Flora and Fauna. And animals such as finches seemed to have developed physical characters to suit it best for that particular island, not to mention being unique through out the world. Later it was discovered that the giant land tortoise especially fell into this category, because even a lay person could tell which island held each individual species of turtle just by looking.

These observations absolutely flew in the face of creationism. The bible seems to indicate (at least how creationists interpret it ) that the earth and its inhabitants are unchanging just as God is unchanging. God said it, God made it, That settles it. The Alpha and the Omega.

The thing I think every one forgets here is that Darwin started out as a Christian with an open mind, then through simple scientific observations, came to a different conclusion than what Christian dogma allowed for. Thus he is a hated, polarizing figure demonized by the Christian Right to this very day. I don't think that Darwin proved that there is no God, just that our natural environment doesn't match up in lock step with the bible or Christian Theology. Darwin's observations and questions have been the camels nose in Christians tent ever since.

There is no doubt that just prior to his death, Darwin may have thoughts of his own mortality and eternity, may have renounced some if not all of his own observations. Given the deep level of indoctrination taught to most of the western world, especially at this point in history, its no wonder why Darwin may have had second thoughts.

But Galapagos still exists, just as it did in Darwin's time and many scientists have observed the same phenomenon of evolution in its animal population, unless God has some how overlooked or hasn't heard about this island chain, the same principals apply to us as them.
The Galapagos and all its animals where there when God made them. But like life everything and everybody and animals change and in evolve to meet their needs. Why do you have such a believe there is No God! Is your life so perfeft that You don't need him!

Actually 8ball, unlike weinerpoopy, I don't consider myself atheist, I consider myself agnostic which translated means I'm not exactly sure if God exists or not since I can not prove it one way or the other. However, having said that, if God does exist , I have a few questions I would like to ask him and would like some answers to if I am to believe in Him and love Him as he has commanded us to do. Starting but not ending with these:

1. Why God if you hate sin so much, are we born with a sinful nature?

2. Why God did you let Hitler do such horrible things to the people who claimed to be Gods children since Abraham, Issac, and Jacob?

3. Why God do you let children, who have done nothing to You or harmed you in anyway, be born with horrible afflictions and birth defects?

4. Why God, since you are our father, have you left us to fend for ourselves and only left a book to explain yourself?

5. Why God (if you and your word are perfect) do flawed men through simple observation of our natural condition find so many contradictions in the bible and in the Christian tradition?

6. Why God do wicked men seem to prosper and grow like weeds while good and honest men seem to always have to struggle?

7. If God, you would treat your only begotten son so inhumanely as to send him out to be tortured and crucified and murdered, why should we as regular people want to love and worship you?

I'm sure given time that I could come up with more questions for God. But to answer your last question about whether or not I have such a perfect life that I no longer need God, far, far from it. It's just that Ive learned to adapt.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"

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