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Another reason I don
Mad Dog Wrote:
8ballquarterpocket Wrote:You call yourself an atheist really what that mean is you are a lost soul or a fool take your pick.

Do you see your problem here? You are calling me a name that I have not claimed to be. I am not smart enough or presumptive enough to say with 100% assurance whether or not God does or does not exist. And personally I do not care if you think I am either a fool or a lost soul. I have my questions which are my stumbling block. So please, go back to your church and please take an English class.
What you don't know how to read? Maybe you need to go back to school and take some english classes. I know what I'm talking about. Its not I that needs church. The only person that needs to go to church is yourself. Let me know how church goes for you. So what you are saying is that you need God to come to you face to face before you believe? What makes you so f***ing special?

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