08-17-2008, 06:57 PM
Mad Dog Wrote:8ballquarterpocket Wrote:Mad Dog Wrote:Apparantly I'm not the only one who thinks your English sucks.you suck dick head
8ballquarterpocket Wrote:stick and stones may brake my bones but words never hurt me. And besides you yourself have made english errors and mispelled words too.
OOOOO I'm shaking!!!! Sticks and stones eh? Sounds like your just a tad on the touchy and high strung side. Not to mention a religious hypocrite for loving a video game that is so full of themes that are so contrary to the Word of God. I think you picked a fight with the wrong dick head. Douche bag.
didn't you pick that "fight" here? you're 41. grow up.
i used to be such a role-playing game nerd. i can't keep up with a lot of them now. they're so involved that they aren't fun.
quick clarification: is oblivion the same thing as the elder scrolls 4? i played 3 for an hour and quit. too complicated.