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brytn Wrote:Yeah you are probably right. I scanned the article but, just got irritated when it said that people without kids are more happy. So, I kind of reacted to that. If people want to have kids great, if they don't that is great too. I would not be happier without kids but, I would have a hell of a lot more money. Smile

I think you touched on the big reason that a lot of parents get upset by people who decide not to have kids. Smile Money. For example, one of my dad's best friends since he was a kid, decided not to have kids. Him and his wife live in a beautiful house on a lake, they retired wealthy at 50, and they spend four months out of the year traveling the world. I know my dad gets awfully jealous of it at times, but I also know that he wouldn't trade his three boys for it either. At the same time, I'm sure there were times when we were growing up that he would have swapped us in a heart beat. Smile Personally, I think I'll live a much happier life being the childless, wealthy, retired guy on a lake, who travels the world for 4 months a year.

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