08-25-2008, 10:25 AM
You can tell that all he does is watch Hannity and then listens to Limbaugh and then regurgitates the same boring crap. Of course he thinks so highly of himself and is so poor at debating that he won't let anyone with an opposing viewpoint say more than 2 words before he gets all bent out of shape and yells and screams. Of course the way I look at it, he who loses his cool first, loses in the end, so Spud always loses! He is a wannabe who has nothing but the same boring talking points from Faux News to rant on about. He's also wrong on most of his topics but the people in GR that are Republicans because their daddy told them to be, listen and agree with his inferior thinking because just like Spud they will believe anything that Faux News, Limbaugh or Hannity tell them to believe without researching it a little bit first. Spud needs to STFU and play some friggin' music for a change!
“I wanna tell Y’all that I ain’t votin for nobody that don’t say freedom enough. Freedom ain’t free, Free Beer. We gotta fight for freedom, Hot wings. Zane you gotta eat freedom fries...Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom..FREEDOM!"