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Stupid Hippie Chicks Deserve Punishment.
visigoth56 Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Protest away. Don't approach police in riot gear. What is so hard to understand about that?

And if the police approach you? Shall we scatter because the police says so?

Welcome to Authoritarianism.

Let's say I'm downtown shopping. I step out of a store, and find myself looking at a group of police in riot gear, walking in my direction.

Pretty safe to say, they're not after me, but are there for somebody or something else. Now, if I go up to them and bug them, it would be expected that they'd probably do something to detain me- be it cuff me or mace me.

Doesn't mean I'm a victim of Authoritarianism- it means I'm just sticking my nose into crap I shouldn't be.

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