09-05-2008, 06:37 AM
visigoth56 Wrote:wingospagettio Wrote:I have met my fair share of jack assy cops that are on power trips, but the majority have been great, I think cops are one of the most undervalued people in America. We hate em when they catch us doing something wrong, but we always want one around when we really need them.If the cop beats you with his baton, it's your fault for being in the way of his stick.
That being said, should they pepper spray a protester holding a flower and getting in the way, probably not, but when the protester doesn't move their ass along when ordered to, well what the eff do you expect? Did she think a riot cop would accept her flower and tuck it behind his ear?
Same with that douchey "Don't tase me bro" guy. He wasn't really any threat, but when you're asked to stop what you are doing and cut the shit out and don't, you get what is coming to you. As Free Beer might say "You know who doesn't get pepper sprayed? People that don't get in the way of riot police!"
This argument leads to the "The cop can butcher your wife and kids in the street" precipice... becuase that is the eventuality of the authoritarian progression
Massively flailing conjecturable over-reaction - the new scent from visigoth56
Go fuck yourself. Hard.