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Stupid Hippie Chicks Deserve Punishment.
visigoth56 Wrote:
airhornahole Wrote:How about the Detroit cop who was wrongfully put in jail when a hopped up crack head died in custody. He was set up by the city to prevent rioting. Is it OK to do that? Afterall, he was a cop and all cops are just here to beat us and mace us.

Come on, tell me you're not too stupid to see the irony of the point you're making...


Come on, tell me you're not THAT effing dumb that you don't see that you're pointing out the WRONGNESS of people abusing authority... while DEFENDING people abusing authority.

Christ, who are you people? Seriously.

Man, it must just be a laugh riot hanging with you. You've just posted words on a silly message board and I already can't stand you.

We don't live in a totalitarian state, we don't have cops rousting us for no reason, we have freedom do basically do what we want. For example, putting stupid posts on a message board. If you don't like it here go somewhere else. However, part of me feels stupid for even responding to you because, your tiresome act seems to be tacitly trying to elicit a response to something you cannot possibly REALLY (see I can do it too...the capitalization thing) believe.

But, if you do actally believe it then, as I said in my opening statement, you must be a laugh riot to be around. Pardon the pun by the way. IDIOT!

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