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speedbump Wrote:
kzootube Wrote:Oh my God! You're right! I'm sure that the producers of the show, including Free Beer, Hotwings, Eric Zane, and Producer Joe have been in the dark about the fact that HUNDREDS of people are getting it free on iTunes! (Okay, maybe Eric Zane actually was...). Seriously, do you people really think that this fact has not at least been mentioned to them before??? Or maybe since they all have iPods and most likely use iTunes, they have NEVER gotten into the Podcast section and searched for... their own show!! Don't be so naieve... or is it nave?

And as for "mudroomdonna" who says that if you're "actually a fan of the show," you would "sack up and pay for it," how about the fact that that's f-ing impossible on iTunes! I searched for it with the intent to pay for it, and for me there was not an optional button that said "Sack Up and Pay For It"... there was only one button and it said "FREE"!

You pay for it in the shop section on their website.

Thank you. I am not denying that there is a way that they collect money for their podcast; I am simply saying that when I purchased my iPod, I natually downloaded iTunes and one of the first things I wanted to do was to purchase the FBHW podcast... so I went to the iTunes store. If they begin charging on iTunes, I will still subscribe to the podcast and will pay for it. I just don't see myself unsubscribing from iTunes so that I can begin paying when it is apparently not necessary. Don't get me wrong... I love the show, but I don't feel guilty for being a subscriber to a free podcast even though there is a avenue to pay for it... I want to be loyal to the show, but I do not feel the need to pay penance. I think that most of the people who are upset by this conversation or who are saying to "sack up and pay for it" are the ones who have already paid for a yearly subscription and cannot get their money back, now realizing that they didn't have to.

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