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Douche office moves
Yesterday I brought into work a coupon book that I got when my kid signed up for little league. After buying it, I noticed most of the places (mostly restaurants) in the book were located pretty close to where I work, and there was a ton of coupons in the book, so I decided to share the book with the rest of the office. I showed it to the office manager, said I would just put it on a table in a common area so that anyone could grab a coupon when they went out to lunch and whatnot. You know, no big whup. He was the only one I told. I noticed him grab it and bring it to his office as I was walking by later. Didn't think anything about it.

So today, a coworker and I decide to go out to lunch and we quickly flip through the book to see what we could find. We found pages upon pages of missing coupons. Each page had several coupons for each restaraunt, and a lot of them were duplicate. Buy one entree, get one free x 8 per page, for example. Pages were ripped out. That hamster stuffer had to've ripped out at least 50 coupons, some completely full pages of coupons.

I was pissed. What the Eff? No one else can use them? I bought the Effing book, and I don't even get to use the coupons I brought in because this douche has to pass them all out to his entire family? What a dick, right?

Lesson learned, I guess.

Same guy, different story:

Our home office is in a different state. We go to visit the home office twice a year, and in this office's kitchen area, the cupboards are full of snacks. There is a donation jar on the counter. Take a granola bar, throw in fifty cents or whatever. The last time we were down there, I walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. I found this douche stuffing his pockets full of every snack he could get his hands on. His pockets were so full he had to amble stiff-legged past me like he got away with it as I just stood there in shock. The sound of a thousand cellophane wrappers gave him away.

This guy makes more money than everyone else in the office and he feels compelled to rip off as much free stuff as possible. Whenever a gift basket arrives from a vendor, he stands at it and picks it apart until there's nothing left but a carcass.

Complete douche move.

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