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Douche office moves
potthole Wrote:This probably qualifies more as "lazy" but it was still a pretty douchey move.

When getting some patient info for a co-worker, I was at their desk. I informed them that they would need to print something off from our company documents, which are available on each and every computer.

"Oh, I'll wait. You can go back to your desk and print if off and bring it back to me, that's fine," was the response I got. I stopped for a second, to make sure I heard the comment correctly.

"You know, you can just print it off from your computer here right now," I responded. "Yeah, but I don't want to, you can do it." At that point I just dumped the papers on their desk and left. As I was about to leave the room I hear, "Why are you just leaving like that? Are you going to print the stuff I need?" I kept walking.

I can't stand people who are so completely clueless about their own helplessness. People who wouldn't even dream that they can perform simple tasks on their own.

I worked with a woman a few years back who would sit on the phone all day long and drone on and on about her stupid Effing dogs. Whenever something was handed to her to do, she would automatically have Gary, the older guy who sat next to her (who had more patience than Job), come over and walk her through each and every thing she had to do. The most menial stuff, too. Like "double-click on the Windows icon". Gary would stand there over her shoulder and walk her through every single step until the job was done. Then she immediately would forget what she had just done and get back to dog chat. The next time work hit her desk..... "Garrrrry?"

Whenever Gary would miss a day she would be in a state of panic. She would whine about how hard her job is, how it's so preposterous for these people to expect her to know how to find blahblahblahblah. And she couldn't get fired. Can't fire a woman. Bad PR.

That job sucked so Effing bad.

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