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Illegals Kids
landmammaldolphin Wrote:Here's an idea, you came here ILLEGALLY and had to leave your children. How about you go back home and then come here LEGALLY and get them back. Seems pretty simple to me. I still don't get how illegal immigrants can't decipher between ILLEGAL and LEGAL and they can't see that the arguments being made against simply giving all ILLEGAL aliens citizenship and sending their ILLEGAL azzes back to where they came from. If you want to come here, come here LEGALLY. If you don't want to come here LEGALLY, STFU when your ILLEGAL azz gets deported. (stepping off soap box now).

While coming back to get them is a novel idea, once you have been deported from a country, it can be kinda tricky to come back legally. Also, it is easy to visit a country legally, but you still have to jump through hoops to be able to claim legal residence.

Basically in short, the kids get screwed immediately in this situation, but if they get to stay here, they will probably ultimately be better off in the long run because lets face it, if where said illegals came from was so great, they would not have fled to here.

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