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Zane's Wife...What does she think?
toofolkgr Wrote:
hotzester Wrote:It's hard to believe that there are women out there who genuinely believe that men are simple.

I find it equally hard to believe that there are women who think men are complicated.

When I'm not at work I have three basic moods. Sleepy, Hungry, and Horny, and I cycle through them in random order. I have devised a basic test that women (or insert whatever gender you prefer) can use to keep me happy:

#1) Look at me. Are my eyes open? If NO, turn off the lights in the room and go away. If YES, go on to #2.

#2) Check for a boner. A physical inspection is allowed if required. If there IS a boner, go get the spike heels and try to think of a good safety word.

NOTE: If you do a physical inspection for a boner, make it a good 30-60 second inspection. You could find one 30-40 seconds into it that you would have otherwise missed. On the other hand, if the boner was so obvious that you didn't need a physical inspection to find it, let's double-time with getting sex gear. Nobody saunters on a porn set.

If there is NO boner, go on to #3.

#3) Go make me a sandwich.

I doubt there's a woman on earth who couldn't commit this simple checklist to memory. We could end all the fights, eliminate divorce, etc.

People overthink stuff.
HAHA! This is the best post I've seen here yet.

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