09-11-2008, 10:13 AM
airhornahole Wrote:I remember that a Mexican customer of mine was in Detroit when it happened. Obviously he was stuck in the States longer than he expected. That night he went to a local sprts bar for a drink. Now, being from Mexico, he is dark complected. He also had a goatee. (To some, he looked Arabic). He said that everyone stared at him like they wanted to dismember him right then. Needless to say, he shaved the goatee and spent the rest of the trip in his hotel room. He was seriously afraid.
On a similar note, my grandfather and I walked into the local convenience store shortly thereafter. The guys that worked there were Indian, not Arabic, but to an old white guy that doesn't matter. He asked them what they thought of what the people from their country did to us. They replied, "This is our country." I thought that was really sweet.
That's what she said.