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What's ruining America ?
deuce Wrote:
sunshyne Wrote:Welfare - I think that welfare should have a limited term to it, Three years ought to do it. By then people should be able to have a job, starting to save money, supporting themselves, etc. After the third year if you can't hack it, move to a 3rd world country and see what a "rough life" is really about. Also, the money given should be rated only on the number of kids you have at the time of enrollment, if you have more, then money should be taken away from you, not given, condoms are cheaper than kids.
Why can't you take care of what you are given? Why do beautiful new apartments in 1 years time become a "ghetto". If you aren't willing take a little more pride in what you are given, then only you are to blame when it becomes trash.

Immigration - I think that it is already plenty easy enough to become a LEGAL immigrant, if you follow the directions, don't lie about stuff on the paperwork, aren't a criminal, and are willing to become an American. All that the illegal immigrants are doing is stretching the border of mexico, cuba, or whatever country they are coming from. They can honor their heritage and still be proud to be an American.

Interpretation of the Constitution - It has worked well for the last 200 years, why in the heck are we tearing it apart? Because it doesn't suit the godless, lawless, freeloading views of a couple of people that are probably the ones on welfare. The separation of church and state was put in there because the Church of England was the King/ the King was the church of England. I personally want a leader with some sort of moral upbringing, they need to fear something higher than not getting enough votes and money. And do you seriously think that by putting more stringent regulations on guns is really going to keep the criminals, drug dealers, killers, gang members, etc. from getting the guns they are probably already getting illegally?

Children - what ever happened to showing respect to others, earning what you get, basic manners please & thank you, consequences for your actions actually meant something. Kids don't mind their parents, teachers, police, etc. The few that are brought up right are the ones that will suffer.

Pride in America - Does anyone know why we celebrate the 4th of July. Is it more to anyone than just a day off work to cook out and shoot off fireworks? Do you know what being an American means, and how lucky you are to be one?

I think i'm done ranting for now, sorry its so long.


I forgot to mention Deuce, yep Deuce is ruining America ;D

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