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Where were you ?
I was a junior in high school at the time. I was in my AP US History class when we learned about it. Another teacher came busting into the room and yelled at my teacher to turn on the TV. When asked why, he said that a plane had just hit the WTC, and although most thought it was an accident, he knew it had to be an attack.

The TV was turned on just seconds before the second plane hit. The other teacher was back by my desk, and I could hear him whisper, "Those bastards got the other one!" As many others have mentioned, the rest of my day was spent glued to the TV while in class.

There are two things that stick out quite vividly in my mind about that day. The first was how when I was driving home after school, nearly all the radio stations weren't playing music- they were almost all playing the exact same news feed. It sounded really strange to flip from station to station, hearing the exact same thing on each one. The other thing that really sticks out in my mind was the silence outside that was created while the flights were all grounded for a few days following the 11th. Very eerie.

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