09-11-2008, 01:06 PM
Art class senior year of high school. We watched the news for the first 4 periods until my next teacher decided there wasn't any new information, so we should learn something (because opening a text book and concentrating on learning what could never have seemed more worthless than at that moment was so easy to do just then). I remember watching the first building on fire and then the second plane hitting and thinking it looks too much like a movie to be real. I felt such anger and fear (not that most people not from the States know where Wisconsin is, let alone plot to bomb it or crash planes into it...but you never know) and couldn't fathom why anyone would do such a thing.
I remember trying to think if I knew anyone who would be there. I didn't...and then my cousin decided to enlist in the army.
I remember trying to think if I knew anyone who would be there. I didn't...and then my cousin decided to enlist in the army.