09-17-2008, 04:17 PM
I grew up around drinking and was told about being responsible with it at an early age, I had a small glass of wine with dinner when i was little on holidays (christmas & thanksgiving). My grandpop was an alcoholic for awhile and was used as an example of what not to do. I waited until i was 21 to do my partying in college and until then i was the D.D. Now i drink maybe once a month, never get drunk till I puke, hangovers aren't worth it, Hopefully when i have kids I will be able to teach them the same responsibility. I don't think that lowering the drinking age will help anything. I don't even know if some of the guys in the Military should drink any younger than 21. I could see having a beer or two to relax and chill, but how many do you think will drink responsibly. On base they can do whatever, they are under base laws/ rules and overseen by someone more responsible than themselves. By all means let them drink on base, but the general american 18 year olds don't need to drink alcohol.