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Who will be President?
Mad Dog Wrote:
jaydethespaz Wrote:I haven't forgotten a damn thing about the towers, pentogon and United 93...including the part where IT WASN'T SADDAM! Bush blamed him so we could finish what his dad started. Where in the flying eff is Osama BinLaden huh? Can you answer me that?

You have a right to be pissed that George Senior didn't take care of Saddam the Jackal in the first Gulf War, I was. I didn't get it at the time and I don't get it now. We had him in full retreat and let him off the hook. But just because the job didn't get finished doesn't mean it didn't need to be done and if it took George Jr to do it then so be it.

And as far as Osama Binladin goes, I don't know, just my opinion, but my best guess is that he is in Iran but its possible that he is still in Pakastan. To me it makes perfect sense, a terrorist state harboring the most infamous terrorist of this millinia. Personally I was pissed that we didn't invade Iran in 2002. It just gave Bin ladin one more friendly place to hide, not to mention more time to develop and acquire nukes or paybacks for the Iranian Embassy hostage crisis.
If memory serves me correctly, Operation Desert Storm was undertaken to remove Iraqi military from the soverign nation of Kuwait. NOT to remove Saddam Hussien from power in Iraq.
While I agree that the world is a better place without Saddam in it, I believe Bush Jr's biggest reason for picking a fight with Saddam in the first place was to finish what the old man started and was smart enough to know when the objective had been met.
Mad Dog, are there any other countries you would like us to invade besides Iran? North Korea's firing up the nukes again, dirty bastards! I heard that back in the 80's Northern Ireland had it's fair share of terrorists. Let's make everyone on this planet be more like us! Yeah, that's what the world needs.

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