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We have all become too sensitive
Fistor Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:I don't quite view it as being oppressed, I just don't think it's right to have to pay for other peoples sins/mistakes. I'm seventh generation Euro-trash. Was closer to being a slave than ever actually owning one. Living in an economy that rewards the slackers and punishes those of us who are actually trying to better ourselves.

Call whining, call it whatever. Bitchin' is all I got 'cause it's never going to get better...That's just reality.

Not calling you a whiner at all. I'm just saying if that's the worse thing I have to go through as a white male, I can deal with it. I don't feel I should pay for the sins of my fathers either, but if this is the way it is, so be it. There is a hell of a lot of racism/persecution/oppression still going on that I will never experience, so I don't mind "sacrificing" an extremely small amount of my life if it makes things better as a whole.

it's not just your life, it's the lives and lifestyles of our children. and if you mean, "getting better as a whole", to be white kids acting like gansta wanna be thugs, it's awesome. If you think gated communites are going to hold back the tide...

I understand being born a white male (right or wrong), has certain advantages. But those days are closing fast. The world made a big deal about stupid Imus and the "nappy comments". Yet its ok for blacks to run around saying nigga this and nigga that. Wait 'till you catch your daughter grinding to some F in song about "shorty".

I guess we'll just agree to disagree. The view from here is different.

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