09-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Dr. Stupid Wrote:Am I the only one who couldn't work with fb? Zane is like a kid with his insults, and I always enjoy him poping off. Hot wings has good insight and backpedles and rationalizes when he's wrong. Joe has his moments to shine with his stunts, but otherwise has a small on-air persona. Free beer is indomidble. I feel he would make me feel like an idiot every moment on air. He is the burn king, but I just could not take the brutal punishment he would dish out. The worst zane can do is play a drop and giggle, and hotwings only rarely goes on the offensive. Joe is a non issue, because he will always be schooled (or at least humbled) every wednesday.
really? FB is the nice guy. His bullying is always simply playful, and you can always tell. If you couldn't take FB's insults, I don't think you could have made it out of high school alive! Most of his insults are join-in insults anyway, and he is the first to back off when things have gone just a little too far.