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Chinese.....invasion??? (Letter to the editor)
It's the last letter on the page, if you want proof.

Sarah Palin is everything Hillary Clinton is not

I just thought I'd write and share my joy with John McCain's selection of a running mate. Wow! A lady politician I can trust, a Second Amendment enthusiast, and she's pretty, too.

To now take the opportunity to rub salt in the wounds of one certain frothy mouthed feminist: Sarah Palin is everything that Hillary Clinton is not.

One is a dedicated American who realizes that God, guts and guns made this country and has kept us free for going on three centuries. Those who would have us disarm ourselves are no better than Bolsheviks and Nazis.

I just purchased an AK-47, in case the day comes when the Chinese decide to land on our West Coast. What is Clinton going to do. Bake them some cookies?

Praise the Lord and pass me some of that Chinese ammunition. Second Amendment forever!

Don Burdick


Who in the hell allows these people to keep breeding?
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

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