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What's ruining America ?
The outsourcing trend is already starting to reverse. China has been found to be a pain in the ass to work with for many reasons. The cost benefit of dealing with the pain is not what it used to be. People over there are wanting to live a western lifestyle and wages and cost of living are increasing. Few companies are outsoursing to China and some are pulling operations back to the States. However, there are other areas of the world just waiting to take China's place. It started with Canada moved to Mexico, then China. Now businesses are looking to more remote areas of the world for the next low cost suppliers. My prediction, Africa. In the mean time, companies are staying closer to home, but it doesn't help when the "Detroit Three" deman that suppliers use low cost countries as resourses. Changing that philosophy will do alot to help the American economy.

The "Detroit Three" are forcing suppliers to move jobs over sea to save a few buck per vehicle. However, the people that purchase their product are Americans, unemployed Americans. Unemployed because there job is now in China and now these customers can't afford to buy the vehicles. This is cuasing the termoil in Detroit. These idiots are killing themselves by forcing their main source of income to be out of work.

Doesn't make sense to me.

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