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First Female Republican V.P. Candidate
ok, so let's put this in perspective. this is someone who, if a situation comes up where McCain kicks the bucket or something, will lead our country and be our representative to the rest of the world.

while i do think her time as mayor of Wasilla was, overall, a successful term it's still just a mayoral position. i'm not willingly going to endorse someone with so little time in the national scene and whose views are so backwards. University of Idaho graduate, NRA member, member of a tongue-speaking church, and governor of a underpopulated state that nobody gives a shit about isn't my ideal VP candidate. it's her ethics and how out of touch she seems to be that are so off-putting to me.

politically, i think her budgeting in Alaska is comendable but her knowledge of foreign policy is slim. i get the feeling she's going along with what McCain's platform just to get into office and her real views differ from his.

i grew up really conservative and my parents are die-hard Republicans but we are all in agreeance that she's an embarassment and Republicans need to get their shit together, as a whole.

(sorry i promised a list and brought nothing. i'm a bit distracted today.)

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