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First Female Republican V.P. Candidate
I'm not "defending" Palin, I'm merely pointing out the double standard in a lot of the so called "problems" people have with her, as b_e_c_k_y has demonstrated. That's why I'm saying just be honest that you don't like her and stop acting like you have problems with her, because most of her same problems can be said about Obama.

BTW, yeah Palin has looked like a dunce in some interviews. At the same time, apparently you haven't been paying attention to Obama when he's not reading from a teleprompter. When asked off the cuff questions, the dude stutters and "uhs" so much he makes Bush sound like a great speaker. Not to mention he makes about as much sense as Palin does. Yet surprisingly.....that's not something you're seeing all over the news now is it?

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