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First Female Republican V.P. Candidate
hotzester Wrote:The problem is that neither side is completely "prove-able". Evolutionists have a scientific trend that they believe proves them right, and Creationists can't be argued with because the entire belief is rooted in "faith", which can't be proven or disproven.

Personally, I think God put some beings here, and we "matured" (I stop short of saying evolved, because the word has such strict meaning in this particular discussion) from there. Man has gotten taller, for example. In a form, this could be a sort of evolution, but I can't believe we evolved from paramecia in a bog somewhere.

I think you're misunderstanding the point of the theory of evolution. Scientists aren't trying to prove it, they're actively trying to disprove it. They're conducting experiments and observations that attempt to disprove basic arguments of the theory, and their inability to do this only further supports the theory. If there was verifiable evidence that something didn't fit in the theory, then the theory would be modified to not include that element. Creationists on the other hand, have a "theory" and they simply ignore any evidence that contradicts their theory and then make speculations that conform to the theory.

It is very hard to try and briefly explain this, but if you can get over the title, Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion" is an excellent source that will answer many of the questions you seem to have.

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