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Senior Pranks
potthole Wrote:This was sort of an urban legend when I was in high school, but rumor was that one year the seniors got three pigs. They wrote in marker numbers on them, 1, 2, and 4. They let the pigs loose in the school, and rather quickly they were all caught. The people on the lookout for the pigs, however, couldn't figure out where #3 went.

Doubt it actually happened, but it was a funny story.

When I was a senior we didn't get three pigs, but we did let loose one pig.

The senior class that was ahead of me by a few years had a beach party in the school parking lot. Rented a truck that dumped an S load of sand, set up kiddie pools, beach chairs, etc. It was pretty funny.

Just as a quick note, if you want to superglue the door locks, it's extremely expensive to fix so be sure you won't get caught

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