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where is zane?
Dr. Stupid Wrote:Houseboat, I understand why you will not disclose what info you have, but letting us know you know something is like having your mom walk in while spankin it; you just want to get it over with, but you just can't.
Thanks for the blueballs...

I just meant knowning what I know in a sense every other time someone has been absent, there has been MASSIVE piling on.

This time with Zane's absence, there has been very little said about it, or about him.

When his son broke his finger, they referenced an injury in the family, but everything was okay, and zane would tell the full story.

When hotwings was gone, they continued to make fun of him at every opportunity.

When Zane's father in law died, and he was gone, they said there was a death, and they still teased him.

Pair that with whatever that other guy said about a 22 year old, you really start to wonder.

Didn't mean to give you blueballs on it!

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