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What have you emailed in that they didn't use?
Copy and pasted straigh from Hotmail. ;D

Quote:I hope you guys haven't seen these before....

They are two really funny videos of cops absolutely butchering the National Anthem. I thought they might be good for the show since you don't really have to see them for them to be funny.

I just saw them today, so I hope they're not old news... The second one is probably the funnier of the two...

Anyways, love the show guys! I listen every morning!

I sent that one randomly one day when my roomate found them. I never heard them on air or anything. Then, coincidentally, like a week later, they did a segment where they were making fun of people messing up the national anthem, and I still didin't hear them.... Sad

Quote:"Not Necessarily Gay" Ideas

First, the two guys could be playing a game of Twister, by themsleves, of course. For extra comedic effect, they could be in their jammies, implying a "sleep over" of some sort.

Second, maybe for December, you could get a picture of the guys making a big snowman together.

And, finally, a wide shot of a sauna, vacant, aside from the guys, who are sitting right next to each other, rather than as far away from each other as possible, like two straight men would.

I know they probably got thousands of suggestions for this, but I thought the twister one was pretty damn funny... It never got mentioned on air.

Quote:Hey guys, love the show!

I only recently got a job that requires me to be up early enough to catch your show, but since, I've been an avid listener. One of the things I haven't figured out in my month-and-a-half listening span is how you come up with your "Idiot of the Day" victims. I'm not sure if you find them yourself, or if you take e-mail requests or whatever, but I had to send you guys this link in case you haven't seen it yet......

It's a YouTube vid. This poor girl fulfils every dumb blonde/pageant girl stereotype you can imagine. Even if she doesn't make the Idiot of the Day segment, I figured you guys could have a laugh at her.

Again, I love the show. Keep it up! Smile

This is the first one I ever sent them, and it was devastating for me because I discovered that they had already done several segments on Miss South Carolina the day before I sent this, and I felt like a total dick when I found out. I actually have a theory that my email addy may have been banned for being such a stupid ass when I sent this, lol...

Anyways, I can only listen to about an hour of the show everyday, so they very well could have mentioned/played some of those things, and I missed it.

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