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Fighting at work >:(
I was in a scuffle in kindergarten over a pound puppy because the girl wanted to put a dress on it. There was pushing and hitting and I shoved her into the play fridge which fell on us and all the play food tumled out onto about 5 kids. In college I got into a small altercation with some drunk chick's boyfriend. She was talking trash about me and my ruffneck friends. She spit on me, I swung at her, her boyfriend stepped in and I clocked him. I ended up walking away because there were a million cops around. On one other occasion I was at a sports pub for wing night and a group of a-holes were making fun of a kid there from the same school who had a mental/social disorder. He was trying to hang out with them and they started making fun of him and some of the guys started shoving him. I inserted myself into the situation because that sort of thing has always bothered me and I gave a shiner before I was asked to leave. Took the kid to a diner, we had a much better time there. I'm really a mellow person at heart, I try very hard to be on good behavior at work, even if people take my stapler.
Humans are not rational beings, they are rationalizing
Practice safe sex, do it in a Volvo ___________ "Shut up", he explained.

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