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What do you think?
I think that there are several problems with the situation....

....but in the words of the great LeVar Burton....Don't take my word for it.

First mess up. You totally tried to be pushy too soon. I know you wanted to see her again, but you could've waited a week after the first least longer than one day.

2 - I don't know how far away you two live from each other, but why couldn't you drive to her instead of the other way around?

3 - You let her son sit in the car while the two of you ate dinner. I don't know about every woman in the world, but if I was a woman and had a son, I would totally not want you in my life if you weren't willing to bring my son in to eat as well. If you wanted time alone, you should have waited until there was a day that her son had other things to do ro something.

- You could've offered to cook for her at her house/ your house.
- Women like romantic things. A football game? That sounds totally like at least a fourth date activity to me. You've got to do romantic things for least in the beginning. Even atypical girls like to be treated like queens.
- You seemed to play the "needy" type according to your story, and most women don't want that at all ....from what I understand.

Ok. Now disregard everything I said, and take the advice of the women because they truly know what women think.

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