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Politics in the show.
0rz0ski Wrote:In all seriousness, though, potthole, have you ever left Michigan? There's more creepy inbred mingers in Wyoming/Kentwood than there are down south, unless you consider "Ohio" to be south.

I've left Michigan plenty of times, I used to live in Florida, and went to school in Ohio for a year, in fact. I've seen more than my fair share of toothless rednecks in Michigan, Ohio, and other places around the country that I've been to. Hell, I saw some pretty crazy Eurotrash when I spent a month in Germany a few years back! Why do you ask if I've ever left the state?

When I said I thought the weirdo on CWTTAB the other day was from Nashville, it wasn't to poke fun at the "inbred mingers" stereotype of the south, it was because I honestly think that's where they said he was calling from.

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