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Mad Dog Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:There inlies the problem. Stop overthinking. Or at least letting the wimmens know that you're an overthinker-obsessive type. Just chillax.

More very good advice, I'll think about it for a while and get back with you. lol Seriously, it's really hard to change your root nature. And I hate fakeing it. I guess thats why I like Freebeer and Hotwings so much. There not fake. I always try to show people the real me, whether its on the message boards or in person. Sometimes it works, sometimes it dosen't

Understood. I'm not saying you have to change who you are, because that's pretty much impossible. I'm just saying you should kinda put a cap on it when you're first getting to know someone. Or at the very least, tell her that sometimes you find it difficult to not experience paralysis by analysis, and it's something that you're working on. That makes you seem intelligent and self-aware, as well as vulnerable to a point. People know people are flawed, and no one likes people who try to portray themselves as perfect, so I wouldn't be shy about mentioning this when you're in the get-to-know-someone stages.

But then do everything you can to not obsess. Talk about how you're working on it, but don't show it.

Like I said, chillax. Outwardly. Inwardly you'll be the Guns of the Navarone. And that's cool.

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